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“How could I ever forget the
miracles of kindness you’ve done for me?
You kissed my heart with forgiveness,
in spite of all I’ve done.”
Ps 103:2-3 TPT
You are FORGIVEN. All of the wrong choices that you have made have been forgiven because of God’s great love for YOU and through Jesus’ loving sacrifice on the Cross. But you don’t know what I have done I hear you say...and you’re right, I don’t know your life story, I don’t know the choices that you’ve been faced with, nor the ones that you’ve made...God does though, and He chose you to be the object of His affection before you made those choices, and through Jesus He has declared you are FORGIVEN. Forgiveness is a gift that we are given when we come to Christ...however, this is more than just a one-time deal.
This life with Christ is a journey, a journey of discovery and a journey of love. As we go along our journey the Holy Spirit will gently show us the things that He wants us to deal with. “If we freely admit our sins when His light uncovers them, He will be faithful to forgive us every time.” (1 Jn 1:9 TPT). It is the Holy Spirits job to point these things out, His light uncovers them, not ours. Our responsibility is to respond to what is being shown to us, usually through repentance: turning away from our bad choices and turning to God, asking Him to forgive us. It’s funny isn’t it? Even though God chose from the foundation of the world to forgive us, He still wants us to ask. He wants us to be involved and to continue to make the choice to follow His Holy Spirits promptings. He wants to work with us.
When we repent, we are given FULL forgiveness of our sins. God does not hold anything back, instead He pours His forgiveness on us and says I love you. “Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given...– the total cancellation of our sins – all because of the cascading riches of His grace.” (Eph 1:7 TPT). You see, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ (Rom 8:1), God is not looking down on you shaking His finger. He has actually made a choice never to even think of those sins again (Isa 43:25). He does not look at you and see your past mistakes, He looks at you and sees Forgiven.
An Invitation
One of the most beautiful pictures of God’s forgiveness toward us can be found in Psalm 103:1-13 TPT. So, can I invite you this week to spend some time meditating on this passage and using it as a prayer to praise God that you are forever FORGIVEN.

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