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“For He is the exalted God, the only powerful One,
the King over every king”
1 Timothy 6:15
God is described as the King over every king throughout the Bible. He is the exalted and powerful One, and as we have seen over the last couple of weeks He has chosen and adopted us as His children. We are first and foremost daughters of our Heavenly Father. The fact that our Father is the King of Kings means that we are a part of a royal family. Don’t get me wrong, our worth is not found in being a princess, it is found in Christ who has saved us and adopted us into His family. However, by doing that, He has declared that we are royalty.
For some time now, I have been contemplating this aspect of our identity and the struggle many of us have in embracing it. Interestingly the royals of the natural world do not question their royalty, they do not wake up and wonder if they are in fact a prince or princess. It is a fact. It is a part of their identity, from their very birth, it is who they are. Other people’s criticism or opinion of them does not change who they are, does not change the fact that they are royalty, they know their lineage. Our lineage is through Jesus, “since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all that He has” (Romans 8:17). That includes being royal.
Our identity is in Jesus, it is in being the daughter of a heavenly Father, a heavenly King. You are a daughter of the King of Heaven, and that makes you ROYALTY. So, let me say this to you, Beautiful daughter of the King: YOU have been purposefully placed. It is not by chance that you are where you are, it is time to put on your royal robes, take your place and embrace your identity.
An Invitation
Being declared royal does not mean that you automatically know what to do, how to act, or even what it means. Royal children in the natural world have tutors and are trained in how to be royal. We too have to learn. It is a fact that if we have accepted Christ as our Saviour that we are indeed royal, but we need to learn how to be royal. Our first point of call is to come to God as a child and ask Him to show us how to live this life with Him. So, can I invite you to spend some time this week reading Colossians 3:12-14 and asking God in prayer, what do you want to show me this week Father.
And for some light-hearted fun, why don’t you get your girlfriends together, find a copy of the movie ‘The Princess Diaries’ and have a laugh watching a (fictional) person come to terms with her royalty. 😊

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